I Heartbreak NDIS.jpg

My experience accessing the NDIS was a long, traumatic ordeal. An officer from the NDIA CEO office apologised to me for my treatment on two separate occasions. It broke my heart. 

The logo for NDIS was ‘I Heart NDIS’ and seeing it felt insulting.  I thought ‘I HeartBREAK NDIS’ was more appropriate.

What the NDIS now provides for me I wholeheartedly appreciate. However continuing to deal with bureaucracy, discrimination and misunderstanding into the future by a system not made for complex cases like my own terrifies me. 

Defunding Disability Advocacy, removing the right to appeal decisions, Independent Assessments and other proposed changes to the NDIS I fear will make things significantly worse. Disability Advocacy and the appeals process were a lifeline for me. The proposed changes and having to deal with regular reviews with the possibility of losing funding, have a huge emotional toll on my everyday life, triggering trauma and constant anxiety. 

My heart aches for our whole community. 


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